The Co-Professionals

Because Idea Matters

Koha Configuration – Additional Parameters

After setting up the Acquisition Parameters we will proceed to set up some additional parameters. In this section, we will take the configure column in the account. Here we can hide or open some table headings for both in the staff client and in OPAC. For example, we will open the Accession Number which is hidden by default in the latest versions of Koha. To show the barcode in OPAC we will go to
Login–> Administration Module–> Additional Parameters

Here we will look for configure column.

Here we can find the OPAC tab. If we click on it all the tables which are to be displayed in OPAC will be shown here. Then we will uncheck the item_shelving_location and the item_barcode and save it.

After cataloguing of some material the shelving location and Accession No will be displayed in the OPAC.

You can also go through the following video guide for further assistance.